My Ministry Story.

“Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask, think or imagine according to his power at work within us.”

 Ephesians 3:20

Calling + Obedience

Ephesians 3:20 is my story… my ministry story. You see, I did not plan to be in full-time vocational ministry, but God really has a sense of humor. I wanted the “normal” life. I wanted to go to the four-year public University, I wanted to be the sorority girl, I wanted to have a job in the normal workforce. I wanted a life of security, stability, and comfort.

But God. 

You will have to wait until I write a book one day to hear all of the million details that got me to this spot, but let's just say, so much better your way Jesus. I was a freshman on the campus of Clemson University pursuing every single dream that I have ever dreamed up in my mind.

All of my expectations had failed me and there I found myself living in confusion of my calling. I felt purposeless. I had no peace. I was walking roads with no direction as to where to go. Until one day, I hit a dead end and God used someone special in my life to call me out and to lead me along the right path… His path.

Sitting in front of the business building at a table, my mom looked at me with tears streaming down my face and a heart so weighed down by the chains of anxiety and said, “Eden, you have always had a heart for ministry.” And all at once… I felt a peace. A peace that I had been begging God for for weeks. God instilled purpose and clarity in one single moment. I was living to build my kingdom, and God broke my walls that day and called me to surrender my life to build His. 

I followed in obedience, and never turned back. I withdrew from my dream school, and moved back home. Months of sitting on a couch and asking God to show me what “NEW” looked like. I was walking in a million unknowns, yet none of them were unknown to Him. He just wanted me to have faith to believe in Him and to trust Him with every step. To surrender each day and faithfully put one foot in front of the other as He lit the way. 

When I say God has a sense of humor… I mean it. Clemson was the only school I ever thought about attending, until I went to a conference that changed my life. And no it wasn't because I got to meet Tim Tebow lol. Xtreme Conference in Gatlinburg Tennessee God met me. Have you had moments in your life that mark you forever? This was one of those times for me. I heard a message that called me to live not just to grow in my sanctification but rather to also make disciples. I believe full well this was when God began calling me to ministry. It was at that conference that Liberty University reps came and shared about the University. God began to stir in me an undeniable draw to Liberty. So much so that I went and toured. Yet, I was stubborn and continued on MY path and went to Clemson. Would you laugh if I told you that I am now a Liberty Student? Whenever I came home, I knew that God was calling me to Liberty to do school online so I could be hands-on in ministry in different capacities while also pursuing my degree. 

The girl who was once purposeless now has a purpose. The girl who once had no peace now is at complete rest. The girl consumed with anxiety is now set free. It wasn't immediate but God began to open doors that still blow my mind to this day. It's crazy how when you truly surrender God begins to move in ways that you never would have imagined. 

I went on tour working with Winter Jam for three months. Traveling the country, waking up in a new city each day sharing the hope of Jesus with epic musicians of the faith. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was EPIC! From coast to coast, to north to south, we traveled! I did homework on the road and I saw so much of the Lord's goodness through His redemption in my story. After three months on the road, God opened my eyes to the gift He has given me to write. So, I began to faithfully write, all for His glory. Then, flip the script… I moved to the upstate of South Carolina to intern in the Student Ministry of Church at the Mill. I got to lead and love students and watch them pursue a personal relationship with Jesus. There's nothing better. I was given leadership over girls ministry, and THAT'S where my heart is. Getting to disciple mighty women who follow Jesus faithfully gets me excited. In September, I packed my bags and moved home. Since then, I have had opportunities to lead at my home church in many different capacities and have been allowed to speak at various events and lead in different ministry positions.

You see, ministry for me didn't start when I left Clemson and started at Liberty. Ministry started way before then. Ministry started when I led FCA in my public, middle, and high school. Ministry started when I led a summer bible study two years in a row from my living room with girls all across the county. Ministry started for me as I faithfully served in my church. Ministry started when I stood for my faith on my social media when others did not. Ministry for me started when I shared the Gospel with my lost friends and invited them into a relationship with Him. Ministry started when I went on podcasts getting to share on the boldness of Generation Z as a 16-year-old. 

Ministry starts right where you are. Whether God calls you to surrender your life to full-time vocational ministry, which I believe He very well could call YOU to, or if He doesn't… YOU are called to ministry. Ministry is right where your feet are planted at this moment. At that workplace. At that school. In that dorm. In that friend group. In your family. At that meeting. On social media. On that team. Wherever you go, ministry goes because you are called to be Christ's ambassador. This is not a secondary calling, rather it's your first. It's out of it, that you live out every other title that you carry. All of our assignments may look different, yet our calling remains the same…

to KNOW Jesus and to make Jesus KNOWN.

The Journey…

January 2, 2021

Xtreme Winter, the conference that changed my life. I heard a powerful message on how we are to live our lives reaching those who don’t know Jesus. No doubt, God began to call me to ministry here. He is so cool in how He uses all things. I now work for this conference.

FebRUary 4, 2021

As a 16-year-old, God showed me firsthand that he could use me despite my age. I was able to travel to the North American Mission Board in Alpharetta, Georgia to be interviewed and record a podcast on the boldness of Generation Z.

​​August 28, 2021

Throughout my Middle and High School years, I had the opportunity to lead Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I stand in awe that I got the honor to open God’s word in my public school and encourage students and teachers weekly. I still lead FCA weekly as an adult leader.

February 25, 2021

As a junior in high school, I went and toured Liberty University. I loved it, yet continued to pursue my plan. I stand in awe now of how God would use this University to impact my life and story.

​​June 14, 2022

Two summers in a row I was able to lead a For the Girl bible study with girls all across my county from my living room. These nights were holy and I believe eternities are changed because of them.

November 18, 2022

I began Liberty online to obtain a bachelor’s degree to pursue God’s call on my life to full-time vocational ministry. The obedience in following His call has been so rewarding.

FebRUary 26, 2023

God’s plans always surpass my own. I got to travel with the largest Christian Music Tour called “Winter Jam.” I worked the VIP experience and got to see so much of the country. These days were unforgettable.

May 17, 2023

I created my merch based on the bible study that I had created a few summers before. It was here that God began to show me His heart about how He could use my life and ministry for His glory.

MAY 20, 2023

I interned at a thriving church in the upstate of South Carolina in student ministry. I was given leadership over girl’s ministry and loved every second of it. When I recount that summer all I can say is, Thank you, Jesus!

october 16, 2024

I launched my ministry by becoming an official business owner of “Eden Benton Ministries.” I’m believing God to use this ministry to bring many to the cross, for the glory of HIS name!

February 3, 2025

I became the event coordinator at Langston Baptist Church in Conway, South Carolina! This is the church that I was raised in, saved in, and discipled in so it’s special to be able to serve the body that has shaped me into who I’ve become!

God’s still writing my story…

october 27, 2023

God began to open doors that no man could shut. I got to travel, meet new people, and have opportunities that I never would have dreamed of.