It’s okay to grieve the changing of relationships.
It seems unnatural for someone who knows you deeply and did life with you, to one day become a stranger. The intimacy has been ripped from the relationship and you feel the void of their absence. The memories are now a distant memory. Their giftings are gone. Their advice is gone. Their presence is gone. And things are changing. So how must you process this? Change isn’t always bad. But change can be hard. Find a new normal. Love without requiring love back. That’s the greatest way you can share the Gospel. You don’t have to change who you are, just because they have changed. Give yourself space to feel. God gave you emotions for a reason. It shows that you are able to love and to love others well. And that you are human and desire to be in relationship with others by God’s design. Ultimately God gave you emotions to remind you that He is the only one who never changes. His is a love that lasts. Endures. Perseveres. Stays. In the midst of relational changes… Be you. Be Jesus. Be love.